Cablepoint Ltd recognises and endorses the need to continuously improve our cable harnesses and looms manufacturing processes in order to minimise the environmental impact the company has. Whilst our direct impacts are relatively low, we have identified our significant aspects as being linked to materials use, generation of waste, use of energy/fuels and the associated emissions to the atmosphere.
Mission Statement
To provide a product to industry at a fair price made from the finest materials, to the highest quality standards, by a company that cares for the environment, its customers and staff.
Policy Principles
The Principles which demonstrate how we implement our policy and deliver our objectives are:
Compliance: To maintain a position of compliance with legal and other requirements directly linked to our significant aspects.
Management systems: To achieve and maintain certification to the ISO 14001 international standard for environmental management systems.
Continuous Improvement: To achieve continual improvement in our environmental performance throughout the company, promoting employee participation and initiatives.
Sustainable Development: To prevent and where practical eliminate pollution, waste and unnecessary resource use resulting from our business activities.
Product Stewardship: To work with our customers, suppliers and other interested external parties to promote good practices and compliance with official recognised guidance relating to environmental performance.
The senior management team of Cablepoint are committed to the provision of the required resources to implement this policy and the associated improvement programmes. We will communicate this policy to staff and those who work on behalf of our company.
ISO 14001: 2015: 15661-QMS-001 – Gained accreditation August 2012 (Download)
- ISO 9001: 2015 15661-QMS-001
- ISO 14001: 2015: 15661-EMS-001
- UL Approval: (ZPFW2) E173302
- AS9100
Quality Standards
- IPC620 Application specialist
- IPC620 Certified Trainer
- Gained accreditation Jan 1991 (Download)
- Gained accreditation Aug 2012 (Download)
- Gained approval January 1991
- AS9100
Future Accreditation